
Music 2021

This has once again been a strange year for Music at Scoresby Secondary College along with so many other practical and hands-on based subjects, students longing to return to the music and band rooms to develop and show off their musical abilities.

Our Year 7 Music students began their Artist Discovery on their new instruments - guitar, bass guitar, singing, keyboard and percussion. Supported by our team of Instrumental Teachers, these students continued their journey through the first Remote Learning period.

For everyone else, instrumental lessons continued through the Remote Learning period with students logging on to WebEx lessons with their teacher each week. Students have since enthusiastically returned to their bands to make music together and show what they have been working on during their time at home this year!

Particularly, our senior VET students practiced and performed individual numbers in preparation for their performance examinations and assessments. This was aided by the allowances given to performing arts subjects to return to face-to-face classes during crucial weeks at the end of Term 3.

Scoresby Rock ensemble

'I don't like the cameras' written by Wesley Ferdinands and performed by Wesley Ferdinands and Josh Davies.

Scoresby ROck

Year 11 VET Music - 'Oceans' by Coldplay performed by Direin Weerasooriya

meet me in the rain - SD

Year 11 VET Music - 'Ignorance' by Paramore performed by Amber Pascua

Ignorance is your new best friend - SD